Advanced B2.1


Cooking tapas + learning Spanish = fun

enjoy elebe in Vienna, mehr als Spanisch At elebe we think that learning a language is much more than just the language, it is living it, and for that, there is nothing better than a...


Free taster course e-Learning Spanish

Taster course e-Learning Spanish Online supervised Spanish learning, e-learning in large format, when and where you want, with the elebe learning platform With a computer, the right book and the elebe team at your side,...


online Spanish A1-C1

Have you always wanted to learn Spanish but never found the right time? Now there are no more excuses. With elebe’s online Spanish courses, you can learn at your own pace and in a flexible...


online Spanish for the Bildungskarenz

Spanish online language course for educational leave With the e-learning Spanish courses, you can learn from the comfort of your own home. With a book and a computer, the elebe team will accompany you on...


online Spanish for the Bildungsteilzeit

Spanish online language course for educational leave Spanish course through a learning platform, tutored by the elebe team, native teachers from Spain and Latin America. The courses in distance learning with 10 hours per week...


Sommer 2024 – Crash Spanish course in Vienna

Spanish – Intensive Presence Courses in Vienna – Summer 2024 All levels – Courses will be confirmed after registration! These courses could be subsidised by the AMS (Public Employment Service Austria) with 100% of the...


Spanish trial lesson in elebe – All levels

At elebe we are convinced that we have the best Spanish courses in Vienna, but of course you don’t know that! That’s why we want to give you the opportunity to book a trial hour….