Legal notice

Name and legal form: Elebe Estefania Lopez Ballbe eU
Office:1020 Vienna, Volkertplatz 1/19

Location: 1020 Vienna, Volkertplatz 1/19

Tel +43 699 11547177
E-mail: info[at]

Business purpose: language school and translation services.

Commercial register court: Commercial Court, Vienna
Company registration number: FN 358768 a
Memberships: Vienna Chamber of Commerce  
Competent Authority: Municipal District Office of the second District, Vienna.

Informationen zu E-Commerce und Mediengesetz

Editorial policy: information on current activities and events with Hispanic-Latinos and nexus as well as language training and translation activities

Applicable trade legislation: Trade Regulations (

Data Protection: The personal information collected on our forms will only be used for internal use, not be transferred to third parties or used for advertising.

elebe has the right to remove inappropriate comments and insults to third parties posted in this website. Despite careful control we assume no liability for the content of external links. Also, the content of web pages outside Elebe is the sole responsibility of the owner.

* Data Protection: The personal information collected on our forms will only be used for internal use, not be transferred to third parties or used for advertising.