Spanish B1.1 in Vienna – The first intermediate level course

It’s time to take your Spanish to the next level with this intermediate level B1.1 course in Vienna.

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+ info - Spanish course in Vienna B1.1

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    Por favor, prueba que eres humano seleccionando el estrella.

    Spanish semester course in Vienna – Intermediate B1.1

    Develop your Spanish language skills with elebe!

    Our language courses are based on the content of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The strength of this intermediate level is the “subjuntivo”. At this level, Spanish becomes exciting and we can express and talk about our opinions and wishes both in class and in real life or in our extracurricular activities: Cinema, theatre, tapas, meetings.

    Our courses are very communicative, the classrooms are full of conversation and interaction. But if you feel that you need more conversation, this course is very well complemented by our online conversation course of one hour per week on Thursdays at 6pm.
    And of course, our tapas and paella workshops are a fantastic and fun way to practise your Spanish skills.

    The book is charged separately.

    • Tuesday from 9:00 to 10:50 am
      26 lessons from 1 April to 24 June 2025Tuesday from 16:00 to 17:50
      26 lessons from 1 April to 24 June 2025
    Code: 202504-P-B1.1 Category: Tag:


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