Spanish lessons in Vienna for teenagers in summer, July and August 2024

10 hours per week – From Monday to Friday

Spanish courses in the school holidays! You learn Spanish at school, but often you get bored because of exam pressure, too much grammar or simply because you don’t have enough time in class. Motivation is important for all age groups, but especially for teenagers.
That’s why we offer youth-orientated Spanish courses in Vienna, where learning Spanish, having fun and existing go hand in hand. ¡Vamos!

[+] Give it as a present

+ info - Summer 2024 – Spanish courses in Vienna

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    Responsible: elebe
    Purposes: information and management of online applications.
    Collection of CVs through the "Work with elebe" form. Legitimation: Legitimate interest. User consent.
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    Retention: Your data will be kept for the legal periods foreseen or until their deletion is requested.
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    Legal information: For more information on the processing of your data, please see our Privacy Policy.

    Por favor, prueba que eres humano seleccionando el corazón.

    Spanish courses for teenagers in Vienna – Summer 2024

    Ideal for teenagers who want to both learn and pass Spanish!

    Are you learning Spanish at your high school in Vienna but need help with your homework, or do you just want to learn Spanish, talk more and have fun with other motivated peers? In elebe you will speak Spanish from the beginning, with playful and communicative activities that are appropriate for the age of the learners, around 13-19 years old.

    In addition, the dedicated learning platform offers the possibility to carry out interactive exercises, but also to send homework, clarify questions and contact a teacher directly via the forums to correct the course and the school. Would you like to meet the elebe Team?

    Face-to-face Spanish courses in summer: July and August 2024

    At elebe, we believe that it makes more sense to study Spanish regularly to get a solid start than to study for hours on end just to pass a school assignment.
    This is not only better for the language level, but also more favourable for the parents. For this reason, courses also take place during the school year as semester courses: from October to January and from March to June. The timetable will be finalised at a later date. Further information at:  Spanisch für Jugendliche in Wien  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you cannot find the right course. We are very flexible.

    Alle Stufen A1-A2-B1 – Auch Anfänger ohne Vorkenntnisse

    Im Sommer 2024 finden die Intensivkurse wöchentlich statt, wobei der Unterricht am Montag jeder Woche beginnt. Melde dich einfach für das Niveau und den Stundenplan an, der dich am meisten interessiert.

    Wenn du überhaupt keine Vorkenntnisse hast, weil du im September mit dem Spanischlernen beginnen willst, wähle das Niveau: Anfänger A1 (keine Vorkenntnisse).

    Die Kurse werden entsprechend den eingehenden Anmeldungen schrittweise gebildet und bestätigt.  Es gibt Kurse am Vormittag und am Nachmittag. Anmeldung bis eine Woche vor Kursbeginn möglich, solange der Vorrat reicht!


    • Am Vormittag, um 11:30 Uhr
    • Am Nachmittag, um 16:00 Uhr


    • Stufe A1 ohne Vorkenntnisse (auch jüngere können dabei sein 😉
    • Stufe A1
    • Stufe A2
      • ab dem dem 26. August um 16 Uhr (wir haben die ersten Anmeldungen)
    • Stufe B1

    Preis: 15,- Euro pro Person und Stunde für Gruppen ab 3 Personen und maximal 8 Personen. Die Zahlung erfolgt im Voraus per Banküberweisung, um den Platzt zu sichern.

    Hast du eine Nachholprüfung? Lass es uns wissen, damit wir deinen Lernprozess über den Sommer planen können – eine Woche ist in diesem Fall nicht genug!

    Día de la semana

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