At elebe we are convinced that we have the best Spanish courses in Vienna, but of course you don’t know that!
That’s why we want to give you the opportunity to book a trial hour.

[+] Give it as a present

+ info - Spanish trial lesson in elebe – All levels

    *Benötigte Felder/Campos obligatorios/Required fields

    Responsible: elebe
    Purposes: information and management of online applications.
    Collection of CVs through the "Work with elebe" form. Legitimation: Legitimate interest. User consent.
    Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties. Data storage: Internal database and mail server.
    Retention: Your data will be kept for the legal periods foreseen or until their deletion is requested.
    Rights: You may access, rectify, delete or oppose the processing of your data, among others, by means of the procedure foreseen in the Privacy Policy.
    Legal information: For more information on the processing of your data, please see our Privacy Policy.

    Por favor, prueba que eres humano seleccionando el taza.

    Let’s get to know each other first!

    Would you like to enrol in a Spanish course at elebe but you don’t know us and would like to try us out first? We understand perfectly.

    Get to know elebe now!

    It’s quite simple:

    1. Take a look at Kursprogramm or the course finder and choose the course you are interested in.
    2. Book a two-hour trial period here.
    3. If you decide to stay on this course and enrol, we will deduct the amount of the trial hours.

    ¡Hasta pronto!

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