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Spanish online language course for educational leave

Spanish course through a learning platform, tutored by the elebe team, native teachers from Spain and Latin America.

The courses in distance learning with 10 hours per week up to a maximum of 24 months.

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+ info - online Spanish for the Bildungsteilzeit

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    Responsible: elebe
    Purposes: information and management of online applications.
    Collection of CVs through the "Work with elebe" form. Legitimation: Legitimate interest. User consent.
    Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties. Data storage: Internal database and mail server.
    Retention: Your data will be kept for the legal periods foreseen or until their deletion is requested.
    Rights: You may access, rectify, delete or oppose the processing of your data, among others, by means of the procedure foreseen in the Privacy Policy.
    Legal information: For more information on the processing of your data, please see our Privacy Policy.

    Por favor, prueba que eres humano seleccionando el taza.

    Intensive online Spanish courses for the Bildungsteilzeit  in Austria

    We are a reputable and recognised language school in Vienna that has been working together with the AMS since 2011.

    How much will I learn during my Bildungsteilzeit?

    Well, this depends on the duration of your Bildungsteilzeit and your starting level. Each level has a certain duration.

    Distance learning without classroom instruction!

    • The elebe online courses are 100% recognised by the AMS for the “Bildungskarenz” and cover all skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening… Yes, you have read correctly, also speaking!
    • Spanish: all levels from A1 to C1. elebe accompanies you as far as you want and for as long as you want, between two and twelve months.
    • Individual: learning independent of time and place on elebe’s own online learning platform “Caramba”. New, updated content is constantly being developed.
    • Combination of book and online platform
    • Effective: self-study, but under supervision, so that you take your goals into account.
    • Flexible learning times and also flexible dates, because the start and end date is individual. Anytime, any day!
    • Motivated teachers to help you: They give you regular feedback, answer your questions and correct your assignments and of course direct communication is possible!
    • Cheap: The price is for the level we decide previusly. The necessary textbooks are included in the price.
    • In addition, all elebe students have the opportunity to receive a scholarship worth €500.- for a two-week intensive Spanish course in Spain.

    Please click here for further information or to request a quote for your Bildungsteilzeit or register directly.
    By registering, you agree to complete the course within the duration of the educational leave. It is of course possible to enrol for a higher level afterwards. Therefore, according to the AMS criteria, you must explicitly waive an extension of this course in the registration form.
    An invoice is automatically generated at the time of registration. Please, pay for the course firrst to get a confirmation from the AMS.


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